Letter to Sir Robert Peel Concerning Annual Annuity Dividends. Right Honorable Sir Robert Peel Bart. MP. Drayton Manor. Farzeley, Stafforshire. Funded Property of Rt Honorable Sir Robert Peel Bart. May 20, 1831. 65179.11.2 New 3 1/2 PC 2281.5.8. 8501.15.10 Consoli 255.1.9. 2536.7.5 payable in Jan and July. 12249.1.2 Bank 979.18.6. 55043.10.10 400. 2201.14.10. 74347.3.0 3 1/2 Red. 2602.3.0. 9060.10.10 3PC Red. 271.16.3. 6055.12.7 payable in April and October. Annual Dividends 8592.0.0.