How Do I Find the Best Annuity Rates?
Here at, you can easily track the annuity rates being offered by many reputable insurance companies for CD, fixed-interest, equity-indexed, deferred, and immediate annuity contracts. This website is your one-stop shop for finding the highest returns for your annuity investment.
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Deferred Annuity Rates
A deferred annuity is a type of long-term personal retirement account designed to help grow your assets, and provide a steady income stream once you are retired. The deferred annuity rates at our website are shown in these two tables:
- CD-type deferred annuity - A CD-type annuity is a fixed-rate annuity in which the interest rate guarantee period matches the surrender penalty period. In other words, if you buy a five-year CD-type annuity you're guaranteed to get the stated interest rate for all five years if you hold the contract for five years.
- Annually Renewable deferred annuity - A traditional fixed-rate deferred annuity, sometimes referred to as an annually renewable deferred annuity, earns an interest rate which is reset each year at the discretion of the insurance company. Here you can find annuity rates for deferred annuities.
Immediate Annuity Rates
An immediate annuity begins making regular monthly payments to you shortly after you deposit your money with the insurance company. The rates quoted for an immediate annuity are in a different format than the interest rates shown for a deferred annuity. The reason for this is that your immediate annuity rate is influenced by your age, gender, and choice of payment options, all factors which have no bearing on a deferred annuity rate. Here you can find immediate annuity rates.

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Help with Annuity Rates
We are the annuity experts and we are always willing and ready to help you with your questions regarding annuity rates. With our more than 20 years of experience you can be certain you are dealing with the nation's top annuity agent. For more information about our annuity rates services call us toll-free at 866-866-1999.
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